IBK INTERNATIONAL is an independent and privately owned coorporate business which continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, technology, telecommunication, transportation Agriculture and Humanitary. The Group is founded by his owner Isaac Koffi BOBOE in 2019.


For more than three years, The IBK International Organization has set new standards of excellence as it has expanded its interests in residential, commercial and hotel real estate, acquire Telecom Franchise and new startup business, lunch hequares of farming land and a first class poultry in Africa, IBK International action is also noticed in the humanity and currently working transforming African villages into cities. This enduring commitment has allow the Us to set IBK International to a high standard Company.


Our mission is to touch the lives of people by providing their basic needs and improving life. We continue to sustain and improve on our market leadership in Realestate, Agriculture, Transportation, Telecomunication, Technology and Humanitary.


IBK International vision is to build a world wild competitive group where competencies and good result are the key of the success and emphasized on keeping our people healthy and safe while operating our business effectively for the greater good of our customers and communities.